Longreads + Open Thread

Scams, Scrolls, Dating, Ackman, Search, Real Estate, Alternative Data, Private Equity



Private Equity: A Memoir: This is a book that describes what it's like to work as an assistant for a very thinly-disguised Chase Coleman at Tiger Global. It's not a regular business book profiling the rise and fall of a prominent investor—the author writes about her emotional struggles, her efforts to keep her parents, friends, and romantic partners happy, and the inner experience of being paid very well to do an extremely stressful job. But there's a lot more talk about the art of running an effective organization than you'd typically expect from an MFA writing about being a twentysomething in New York. But perhaps the most important thing the book does is remind readers that behind every incredibly productive person is someone with a talent for administration who makes sure their calendar is managed, their speeches are expertly ghostwritten, and that the office isn't a disaster the morning after a company party.

Reviewed at greater length behind the paywall ($).

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