Longreads + Open Thread

Science, Clusters, Trades, More Trades, Oil, Hurdle Rates, Walmart, Battle for the Bird



Battle for the BirdJack Dorsey, Elon Musk, and the $44 Billion Fight for Twitter's Soul. A funny rule in corporate communications is that you are apparently never, ever supposed to mention your competitors by name, and instead have to say some vague, could-be-anything line like "We saw more aggressive pricing in the cloud market from a competitor who offers cloud computing, retail, and an e-reader" instead. So it's nice when they say what they really think. A decade ago, Mark Zuckerberg said of Twitter that "it's as if they drove a clown car into a gold mine and fell in." Nice one! A decade later, gold is scarce but clowns abound.

As with other books about Twitter, this book is tangentially about tech and mostly about personalities and politics. For whatever reason, Twitter has attracted this in wild disproportion to its size and economic importance. Part of what made the Twitter acquisition saga so bizarre was that Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk are, in different ways, extremely unpredictable people, and they happened to be close friends at a time that made Musk's Twitter deal happen.

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