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Open Thread

Reader Feedback

In response to last week's piece on newsletter economics, Philo of MD&A notes yet another way to monetize writing:

Another way some writers make money is by using the ideas they come up with to generate alpha on their PA.

I did an essay once on Shelby Davis, who was a writer that thought he would make money by opening up a brokerage firm focused on insurance, and that he would write a regular insurance stock newsletter to his clients and generate commissions on insurance stock trades and underwriting revenue from insurance issuers. He wrote the newsletter all his life, but it was his personal investments in insurance stocks that made him one of the richest men in America:

This isn't that rare. Warren Buffett didn't exactly write a newsletter but when he was younger he published some of his ideas in a journal and got one or more of his early investors that way. Ben Graham wrote two best selling books that are read today but ultimately made his fortune as an early GEICO investor. There are probably other examples.

There seem to be a lot of bloggers that separately have entrepreneurial success. Paul Graham is the best known example, and his wife/YC partner, Jessica Livingston wrote one of the best books on entrepreneur ship. I always enjoyed Joel Spolsky, who is very successful. Rob Rhinehart, who is a bit more eccentric, founded Soylent. Anyway, apparently lots of ways to skin the cat.

If writing is both a good way to raise money and a good way to deploy it, that's great news for writers. Perhaps Mark Sellers got it right!

And from Nate Meyvis, speculation on why layoffs may be higher among data scientists than in other technical roles in response to yesterday’s subscribers-only piece ($).

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