Longreads + Open Thread

Private Government, Cheating, Entropy, Science, Stretch Wrap, Trains



Open Thread

A Word From Our Sponsors

In 1,000 years, your customers will still ask for a data importer.

Ask 100 customers to send you their data, and chances are you’ll get 100 different spreadsheets, documents or formats sent back to you. Now try collating all that data into one place, without losing your mind. Or worse, asking your customer to do it.

Flatfile enables your customers to drag and drop their data into your system without formatting beforehand. Like magic, a messy file can now be imported, cleaned and validated in literally minutes.

  1. One partial exception here is that using a new service entails some uncertainty, and requires some training. So a company that raises prices after a year without altering its service might be keeping the ROI constant.

  2. One writer who references this fairly often is Michael Crichton, who liked to write hyper-realistic books with a handful of fantastical assumptions, and who often gives characters a monologue or two about how the real world is in some ways a disappointment compared to the fantasy. This shows up in books about dinosaurs, time travel, and robbing a train—clearly a sore point. I can only assume that the origin of these riffs was a conversation with his editors in which they suggested that he remove some evocative and well-researched detail because it made the story lame.