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Plus! Gilts!; Amazon and Immediacy; The CSV Business; Salary Transparency; Room to Grow
Plus! Gilts!; Amazon and Immediacy; The CSV Business; Salary Transparency; Room to Grow
Plus! 401(k)s With Chinese Characteristics; Middlemen and Leverage; Concentration; A Mixed Trucking Recession; Deglobalization in Autos
Plus! Meta; ROE and CAPM; Expensive Cheap Energy
Plus! Google's Pigouvian App Store Taxes; Coping with Tracking; Scaling PPP; Writing Options; Fleets
Plus! Apple M&A; Countering Patent Trolls; Payments and Network Effects; Fraud Ingredients; RIP 30%?
Plus! Subscriber Q&A; Return of the Tontine; Amazon and the Minimum Wage; Granularity and Price Discrimination; Decarbonizing; The Vaccine Distribution Supply Chain