Adverse Selection is the Second Most Powerful Force in the Universe
Plus! Metaverse; No New Normal for Supply Chains; The Top-Heavy Market; "Uninvestable"
Plus! Metaverse; No New Normal for Supply Chains; The Top-Heavy Market; "Uninvestable"
Plus! Internal Automation; Degrees; Central Banks; Softer Landing for the China Tech Crash; Lego and the Metaverse; Striking Against Scale
Plus! Meta Antecedents; International Tech Nationalism; Chokepoints; Recruiting; Unrealized Alternatives
Plus! Meta; ROE and CAPM; Expensive Cheap Energy
Plus! Aging Into Owning the Metaverse; Fake Reviews; Ads and Addicts; Coal; Diff Jobs
Plus! Currency; Market Pricing; Substitution; Bitcoin's Long March: Tax Edition; First-Party Data
Plus! Reactive Strategy; Working it Out; Standardizing the Metaverse; Probability; When Payments Work; Introducing Diff Jobs
Plus! Durable APIs; The Global Neighborhood Watch; Lack of Liquidations; Virtual Return to the Office; Space Law