The Gun Company Payoff Matrix
Plus! Sanctions, Continued; The More-Than-SolarWinds Hack; Defense Tech; Regulation and Scale; Explaining the Unprofitable Stock Rally; Reverse War Economy Continues
Plus! Sanctions, Continued; The More-Than-SolarWinds Hack; Defense Tech; Regulation and Scale; Explaining the Unprofitable Stock Rally; Reverse War Economy Continues
Plus! News Recap; News-About-News Recap; AI and White-Collar Jobs; Insiders, Outsiders, and Short-Selling; Yale Buys Low; More on Cybersecurity
Plus! The New Strain; SolarWinds, Redux; Complements and Customer Lifetime Value; China and Reform; Google Union; More APIs for IRL
Plus! Relief; Credit Cards are for Credit; Credit Cards are for Credit; SPAC Shorts
Plus! Infohazards, How The Grinchbots Steal Inflation, The Hack Expands, AR and the Physical/Digital Switch, Antitrust and Real Interest Rates
Plus! Surface Area; Austin; Vaccine Race; Avoiding Devops
Plus! Subscriber Call; What Business is FireEye In?;Knocking Out the BigCo Option; Realignment; More Airline Green Zones; New York’s Amazon-Competitor-Tax; Social Trust; The Bet; Pensions
Plus! Measuring Eyeballs; Property Rights; Reputational Bug Bounties; Running Out the Clock on Tariffs
Plus! Supply Chains, SMIC, Second Wave, Vacation Home Homes, Mission Focus, More...
Plus! Belt & Road & Vial; CCP and SMBs; Hire Fast, Transfer Fast; Life Imitates Science Fiction; More...
Plus! Facebook and Moderation Politics, Carbon and Capex, Auditing China, Triangulating TikTok, Vaccine Diplomacy, more...
Plus! More on the Twitter Hack; Corruption, Liquor, and the China Bubble; Q/Q vs Y/Y; more...